Brick Cave Media, the publisher for The Last Incarnation, has announced a new Kickstarter beginning June 1, 2020 and lasting until July 15.
If the campaign is successful, the publisher will be able to start producing new audio books, and The Last Incarnation is one of the titles in the mix.
Oh, but there is a bit of a competitive element to this Kickstarter.
The first book that gets made into an audio book will be the one who’s author gets the most backers in the campaign, between #TeamSkinner (Author Sharon Skinner), #TeamGiunta or #TeamDavis (Author Bruce Davis). Help make The Last Incarnation cross the finish line and be made into an audio book first.
Simply start by clicking this link and saying you’d like to know when the kickstarter goes live (no $ is requited):
Then Help #TeamGiunta by sharing this information with everyone you know that reads fantasy novels. If the Campaign does REALLY well, everyone wins and all the books will get recorded, so the more the merrier. and if the Campaign does REALLY well, Brick Cave has promised to record the entire Ascension Trilogy as audio books ASAP.
There are a ton of rewards, including J.A. Giunta Reading a favorite excerpt from The Last Incarnation and explaining why he likes it, a Kickstarter exclusive eBook, and a bunch of fun add on options. Oh, and for the first time ever, reader will be able to receive HARD BOUND editions of The Ascension Trilogy as part of their rewards options.
It’s a great campaign, but we all need YOUR help to succeed!