Happy October, everyone!
2020 is still pretty terrible, with no sign of letting up, but I do have some good news. The Warden’s Legacy is in final edits, and the cover is finished. Usually at this point, I’ll get an advanced reader copy to proofread for the last round of edits. From there, it’s all up to the good people at Brick Cave to get it ready for print, set a release date and start work on promotions, which should include a cover reveal. The book clocks in at 203 pages. It’s a short read but very satisfying. I debated over lengthening it, but in all honesty, I didn’t have anything more to say. I’m not the sort to pad a story, so I just left it where it is. I do have an idea of where a sequel might go. Whether or not there is one, realistically, will depend on reader interest (sales).
I’m currently designing a world for a new book. That’s not how it always goes, but in this case, the world plays an important part of the story. I could wing it, making up history and backstory as I go, and I probably will, but what I’ve been designing is the social structure of the two main societies I want to portray. I’ll work a bit on landscape next, the two countries and their provinces, cities and towns. And then, I’ll really devote myself to the story.
Why? Because I’m not sure what I want to write yet.
I have a basic premise, of which I’m still uncertain how to manifest. I’m struggling with the realism of my execution. I have a number of themes and situations I want to include, but what I’m stuck on at the moment is the why of it all. Why write this story? What does this story have that’s worth three to six months of my life? I haven’t landed on the hook just yet, that idea or character I want to center an entire novel around.
Regardless of how much research and work I’ve put into the story so far, if I can’t find that reason to start chapter one, I’ll abandon the entire project. I have plenty of others I can work on. Normally I have an idea I want to pursue. In this case, I have a setting; which is fine, in my opinion. There’s just no story yet.
I’ll keep you all posted. Probably.